Re: 36" Pompeii in DC
Thanks! That's actually ceramic insulating board under the oven, but it is a double layer. The variety I got, Thermo-12 Gold isn't rated to as high of working temperatures as some other alternatives (a mere 1200F), but at ~$100 per 27 sqft, it made perfect sense to double up on insulating board. Also, I can't take credit for the angled arch, as I borrowed the idea from Amac, who I think borrowed the idea from GianniF. Gotta love this forum, eh?
I resemble that remark! I think the cement bothers me more than the cuts because I'm so adept at banging up my hands independent of any masonry. Just today I managed to crush both middle fingers doing something unrelated to laying bricks. On top of that, I hardly notice a few more cuts! 
Thanks! And your warning is well founded. I feel like I'm getting clumsier as this project goes on. I'd better close this thing up before I fall and really hurt myself
Originally posted by ATK406
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Originally posted by brickie in oz
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Originally posted by wotavidone
