I'm building a 70 cm (27 inch) oven in The Netherlands. I blog about it here: pizzaoven | Wateetons It's in Dutch. Sorry. But the pictures are in International.
I have been finding massive amounts of answers on this forum. Thanks for that. I haven't yet found the answer to this question though: Is there an ideal placement for the chimney given a certain ovendiameter. The reason I ask is that I feel my ovendoor arch sticks out a bit much and I fear the chimney might be placed to far in front of the dome for it to work properly.
Any thoughts?
I'm building a 70 cm (27 inch) oven in The Netherlands. I blog about it here: pizzaoven | Wateetons It's in Dutch. Sorry. But the pictures are in International.
I have been finding massive amounts of answers on this forum. Thanks for that. I haven't yet found the answer to this question though: Is there an ideal placement for the chimney given a certain ovendiameter. The reason I ask is that I feel my ovendoor arch sticks out a bit much and I fear the chimney might be placed to far in front of the dome for it to work properly.
Any thoughts?
