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Pompeii oven roof question

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  • Pompeii oven roof question

    I plan to build the Pompeii oven in the future and I will use concrete block to support the cement base. Then I will use concrete block to build a wall around the oven and then install a roof on top.

    I have seen a number of builds that use the metal 2x4 studs to create the roof's frame. If the oven is insulated and then the exterior around the oven is filled with something like perlite to the base of the roof's frame. Is there any reason why I can't use wood to frame out the roof?

    Ok, I will probably use the metal studs they won't be effected by moisture and weather etc... but I can't see the roof being a fire hazard or does it really get that hot under the roof once it's been so overly insulated. I've seen builders use the metal studs and then lay plywood over the top as under-lament, so what's the difference if any.


  • #2
    Re: Pompeii oven roof question

    Originally posted by cms1528 View Post
    Is there any reason why I can't use wood to frame out the roof?
    No reason. It isn't recommended because there is greater margin for error VS using metal studs.

    I've seen builders use the metal studs and then lay plywood over the top as under-lament, so what's the difference if any.
    None. Ply sheathing will burn whether it's on the wall or the roof.
    Discussion about wood framing here...
    Old World Stone & Garden

    Current WFO build - Dry Stone Base & Gothic Vault

    When we build, let us think that we build for ever.
    John Ruskin


    • #3
      Re: Pompeii oven roof question

      I have a 32 inch Pompeii and when the oven is firing the temperature above the insulation is essentially the same as ambient. So yes, you should have no problem with the temperature.

      However I still couldn't bring myself to build my roof frame out of wood.

      I built the side walls using cement board, and then installed a cement board roof using some aluminum angle iron. (cement board is relatively light). I then stucco'ed the entire thing.


      • #4
        Re: Pompeii oven roof question

        I used metal studs for the side and rafters and plywood for the roof with the proper insulation wrap absolutely nothing to worry about its what comes out of your flue and frt that being said I don't ever see a problem with mine. If I had to do it again I wood use wood!!! For the whole thing except the frt where the opening is


        • #5
          Re: Pompeii oven roof question

          My sides walls will most likely be 4" block which will get covered with an air/ vapor barrier product. Then face brick will be applied. The barrier keeps moisture out and is a flashing system to get moisture out a masonry cavity wall. This barrier product can be applied to masonry backup walls, stud walls with dense glass, plywood, cement board. Some of the brand names are, Grace and Tremco products. They are a peel and stick product that comes in different roll widths. I think with all the time and effort it takes to build a wfo it is a must to keep moisture and water from entering. This is most important in climates with freeze/ thaw issues.

