The corner installation foundation is complete and the cinder blocks are about to be set for the base. I was prepared to build a 42" but now have access to 4.5x9x3.5" 'arc' shaped bricks which, when joined, produce a perfect circle with a 48" interior.
This first course would sit atop standard size firebrick (oven floor)set on it's narrow side. The perimeter will be topped by 'tapered' half bricks which, when stacked, will form the dome and require minimal mortar.
1. What are the pros/cons to going up to 48"?
2. What would be the optimum interior height? One course of the 'arc' bricks topped with the 'tapered' 1/2 bricks will provide a 21" height. I could increase the height by adding a second/third course of the 'arc bricks.
3. The foundation was intended for a 42", how far can I cantilever the hearth/counertop beyond the cinder block oven stand?
4. What should the height and depth of the door/oven opening?
5. The Hearth: I am considering an isolated hearth for more thermal mass. Is a layer of firebrick set below the oven floor acceptable or too thick? Is this unneccessary if I am laying the oven floor brick on its narrow end? Or is it best to pour a ring of refractory concrete? And when does FB board come into play?
6. Has anyone used foam glass as a floor insulator?
All comments/questions/answers appreciated. DJG