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Fiber blanket and perlite when enclosure

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  • Madsen
    Re: Fiber blanket and perlite when enclosure

    Great guys - I hope to get double layer of blanket though.

    Jeep - already payed for the perlite, and it won't go in before the roof/sides are ready. And I can vacum it all out if needed. Maybe I learn from it if I ever have to repair something! Then I can get more blanket

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  • jeeppiper
    Re: Fiber blanket and perlite when enclosure

    I have 4-6 inches of fiber blanket and no perlite. My rationale was this:

    1. The most important part of the dome to insulate is the very top-center. In order for the perlite to be effective in this area, you will have to literally fill your walls with peralite. The top of my dome was higher than the side walls, so I couldn't get the perlite high enough anyway.

    2. The perlite is a mess to work with and would rather invest the money in more blanket than perlite. That stuff blows around with the wind and until you finish the walls and roof, you will have "snow" blowing around. Also, if I ever had to repair the dome, I didn't want to have to deal with removing loose perlite.

    Double-thick blanket worked fine for me.

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  • boerwarrior
    Re: Fiber blanket and perlite when enclosure

    I think 1 inch fiber with loose perlite would work well. I have 3 inches of fiber followed by loose vermiculite.

    From an insulation standpoint loose material is preferable to a concrete/perlite mix.

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  • Madsen
    started a topic Fiber blanket and perlite when enclosure

    Fiber blanket and perlite when enclosure

    The subject is not saying much, but im Building a 37 inch with enclosure walls surrounding it like a small house.

    I have a questions regarding fiber blanket and perlcrete. Is 1 inch fiber blanket enough and then top up with Loose perlite ? Or do i need to mix 3 inch of perlite with concrete and put on top of the fiber blanket, before the loose perlite ?

    Thanks in advance.