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The plan was to use clay, I started using brick today. Paul's 36"er

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  • Paul150
    Re: The plan was to use clay, I started using brick today. Paul's 36"er

    OK, Thanks. And yea I didn't notice my joints until I look at the pics again. I started off, off set, but between the dome shape and maybe using a smaller brick they got lined up again some how. I will pay closer attention next time(s).
    Last edited by Paul150; 05-13-2015, 11:57 AM.

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  • DavidApp
    Re: The plan was to use clay, I started using brick today. Paul's 36"er

    Hello Paul

    Making good progress so far. It is better if you can avoid having the brick joints line up chain to chain. Use a narrower brick if necessary to stagger the joints. If you start the chain at the back of the oven you can offset the joint by half a brick and do the makeup bricks at the front where no one will see. I think that when they line up they call that a Running Bond.

    As to the dome to entry way connection. I did the arch and dome together cutting the arch bricks and dome bricks to fit. It was a bit tricky and caused some head scratching. Also some angle grinder work to get a good fit. I did add the temporary leg to my IT tool to help prevent the arch dip some people get.
    Some builders have cut the arch bricks to an angle and completed the arch then married the dome to the arch.
    I think either way is successful just a different approach to the same problem.


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  • Paul150
    Re: The plan was to use clay, I started using brick today. Paul's 36"er

    I am looking for any feedback or pros and cons for merging my arch to dome. I figure I have 3 options and no low tech solution at this moment. 1) leave my arch bricks squared off, mortar them in and cut the dome bricks to "fit" 2) try to pre cut the arch bricks (45 degrees?), mortar them in and then also fit my dome bricks as I get there 3) try to cut and fit both together as I go or no pre portaring my arch. I'm wide open for solutions/recomendations,etc.

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  • Paul150
    Re: The plan was to use clay, I started using brick today. Paul's 36"er

    Laid down a fourth row last night, avoided the arch. I looked at the builds you suggested Texman, still not feeling good about diving in. I know I got some cleaning up to do however this is my progress and arch delema situation.

    Relying on advice.

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  • Paul150
    Re: The plan was to use clay, I started using brick today. Paul's 36"er

    Will take pics tonight. It was dark the last couple of nights when I finished. My arch or opening is 19" wide and 12" high. I already put up my straight verticals of 9" and made a form to arch from there up to 12 in the middle. I will also take pics of that too. Thanls for the links I will look at them today. Man that IT tool was a awesome idea/invention. I built a low tech one, but I cannot imagine doing this without it.

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  • texman
    Re: The plan was to use clay, I started using brick today. Paul's 36"er

    do a search for Lbouro treasures and particular look at Octoforno build as well as Sharkey and Aidan's Stargate build. these are all hemisphere arches. Post some pics of where you are in your build for us please. What type of arch are you planning?


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  • Paul150
    Re: The plan was to use clay, I started using brick today. Paul's 36"er

    Well, I finally finished my spring honey do list and am back to work on the oven. I just finished my third row and have 9 inches of vertical done on my 12" arch. I have been searching on how to cut the inside of my arch, or not, to make it easier for the dome tie in. I see many photos that leave it square and just cut the dome pcs, including the forno pompeii oven plans, and I see many photos where it looks like they were cut. Seems to me either way it can be a disappointing task until complete or way too technical for me. I played with it for several hours yesterday. Holding up bricks and using my IT marking, cutting, fitting, not good.

    Any particular links you could point me to I would appreciate it.

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  • Paul150
    Re: The plan was to use clay, I started using brick today. Paul's 36"er

    Originally posted by oblertone View Post
    The main reason for laying the oven floor on a mix of any sort is to achieve a level finish, if you can achieve that by using the cement board alone then I'd carry on without; if not then fine sand alone can help.
    One other observation I'd make; have you calculated and reserved enough space on your plinth for the insulation layer on the exterior or your oven dome. A smaller (internal diameter) oven with good insulation will be far more satisfactory that a bigger 'leaky' one.
    The ID of my base is 52". I made it that way because in my original clay design I was making a 32" dome with 10" (3 layers) of clay sand and cob mixtures for a total of 52". Now after reading builds and posts I decided I could do a 36"er with 4.5" brink walls, 3" blanket, and .5" vermicrere on the bottom 4 inches and the 1" the rest of the way up once I get past the rock I have already set. Then my mortared rock the rest of the way up and over.

    Comments or suggestions?

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  • DavidApp
    Re: The plan was to use clay, I started using brick today. Paul's 36"er

    Hello Paul150

    The sand/fire clay layer is there merely to get the hearth bricks to lay level and even not to add any thickness. It will take up any variation in thickness in the hearth bricks.


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  • Paul150
    Re: The plan was to use clay, I started using brick today. Paul's 36"er

    Because I created a pocket of stone and had to partially fill it, it made screeding more difficult. So that is why I took the suggestion to pour my vermicrete, make it as level as I could, then put cement board on top, to make it all level. I assumed that I should put the board on at the time of pour. I guess I could have gotten close, screeded and let the vermicrete cure and dry out then use sand to help level the cement board. I really liked the cement board idea for making all the brick edges as level as possible. So I need that ? inch now so the bottom of the brick is resting on my cut out rock front. Unless there is a better idea, I am going to leave the board and build on versus pulling up $70 worth of cement board and after the vermicrete dries out replacing it with fresh $70 cement board or using ? inch of sand.
    Comments or suggestions please.

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  • DavidApp
    Re: The plan was to use clay, I started using brick today. Paul's 36"er

    Hello Paul150

    You can also use a mix 50/50 of fine sand and fire clay to help level your oven floor. The mix can be wetted and spread out with a notched float. Like you would lay tile.


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  • oblertone
    Re: The plan was to use clay, I started using brick today. Paul's 36"er

    The main reason for laying the oven floor on a mix of any sort is to achieve a level finish, if you can achieve that by using the cement board alone then I'd carry on without; if not then fine sand alone can help.
    One other observation I'd make; have you calculated and reserved enough space on your plinth for the insulation layer on the exterior or your oven dome. A smaller (internal diameter) oven with good insulation will be far more satisfactory that a bigger 'leaky' one.

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  • Paul150
    Re: The plan was to use clay, I started using brick today. Paul's 36"er

    It has been a week and a half since the pour. Half of the cement board is "stuck" and I cannot lift it without breaking it so.... I guess I will continue with the build and plan on a longer break in time.

    Comments or suggestions?

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  • david s
    Re: The plan was to use clay, I started using brick today. Paul's 36"er

    Unless you are in a real rush to get going on the build, it would be a good idea to remove the board on top of the vermicrete and allow sun and wind to dry it out for two or three weeks. Around 1/3 of the volume of the vermicrete is water and it will take a very long time to dry out by fires if you build over it. It will eventually dry of course, but there will still be water there even when it looks dry.

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  • Paul150
    Re: The plan was to use clay, I started using brick today. Paul's 36"er

    Well, between honey do's and rain I experienced some timing delays. Since the last post, I poured a 4" layer of vermicrete. I used 4x1" bricks for a guide. FYI I calculated that I needed about 6 cu ft of vermicrete so I bought 8 cu ft thinking I was covered. 8 cu ft of wet vermiculite shrinks down to about 5.5 cu ft. I was a little short so I filled in the sides with straight mortar. Then covered it with cement board, then a bunch of bricks for weight. After a week and a half of sitting, tonight I made some cuts to start my herringbone pattern and laid out a dry run. I will remove them all and clean all the debris off. Do I need to lay them on the 1:1 sand : portland still or is it OK to just lay them on the cement board? Everything is pretty level. Then so I can start my visual, I laid out the opening bricks, gave myself a 1" reveal and angled the show bricks out another inch.

    Comments and suggestions please.....

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