I posed these questions under my Oven Progress thread but then realized it might not get noticed there in the same way as a new thread, so ...
The vent ?
My neighbour Tom came over the other day to see what we?re up to and the vent came up in the conversation. Tom has some kind of engineering job and said he had a sheet metal guy who could put a transition piece together for me in a day or two ? all I need to do is provide the specs. It sounds great - if I can just figure out what dimensions! I can?t remember who said that the key to it all is a funnel effect, but how big & how high?
I have an 8? clay tile flue, which is round so that I can brick around it later in a spiral pattern. If I brick my flat entry around all four sides, the vent opening will be approximately 20? X 9? ? can I leave it that big (most vents seem to be much narrower but it seems to me that that?s mainly due to arch construction) and funnel it up to the 8? round in, say, a 10 ?inch rise?
And how would a metal transition attach to the masonry?
Still lots to figure out!
The vent ?
My neighbour Tom came over the other day to see what we?re up to and the vent came up in the conversation. Tom has some kind of engineering job and said he had a sheet metal guy who could put a transition piece together for me in a day or two ? all I need to do is provide the specs. It sounds great - if I can just figure out what dimensions! I can?t remember who said that the key to it all is a funnel effect, but how big & how high?
I have an 8? clay tile flue, which is round so that I can brick around it later in a spiral pattern. If I brick my flat entry around all four sides, the vent opening will be approximately 20? X 9? ? can I leave it that big (most vents seem to be much narrower but it seems to me that that?s mainly due to arch construction) and funnel it up to the 8? round in, say, a 10 ?inch rise?
And how would a metal transition attach to the masonry?

Still lots to figure out!