Hi All.
Ive begun the form for the mold of this oven and have some questions I'm hoping for some input on. I have chosen to use Iron Pony's mold design http://www.fornobravo.com/community/...-an-ohio-build (post link tab doesnt seem to respond for me)
because its brilliant and I like the fact that I can reuse it if need be. I have done some modifications to the mold sub frame Im hoping they will work for me.
I seem to be having an issue with the Vent and Throat transition and have some mix questions.
Throat transition:
You may be able to tell from the pic I have created an assembly for the opening with a door "revel". After looking at it I am wondering if I'm correct in thinking I should cut that web and slide it back to the 10" mark where if I were doing brick it should sit? I'm pretty sure that's where it needs to be for a good transition. I have built a couple barrel ovens out of brick and the area I'm talking about is where a the steel lentil (angle iron) would go. Why Im having trouble visualizing this for a cast oven is beyond me.
QUESTION: Should cut that web and slide the throat assembly back to the 10" mark? (where blue line meets curve of web)
Vent & Landing opening:
I made it too big (front to back) for this size oven, a 6" or even 4" vent should be more than sufficient. This oven is going to be mounted on a trailer and although I love the look of a clay flue liner its just not practical. I will be using a Steel or S Steel anchor plate for the vent pipe eventually. There is a lot of moisture in the process of these ovens and galvanized doesn't hold up to the heat and moisture cycles in my experience.
QUESTION: What size flue works best for this size oven?
Refractory Material Consistency:
I have a lot masonry experience but NONE with this product (is an AP Green product for this application, cant recall right now specifically what mix it is prob K4 or KS?
QUESTION: In others experience what is a good working consistency for this material?
Addition of Stainless Steel Needles:
The guys that use this material to line steam generators in my area say they dont generally use them and the product holds up well at temps well above my application.I have some maybe about a pound or 2 but just not sure they are necessary. I was thinking to add them certainly wouldn't hurt and I'm sure they would help in the mobile aspect.
QUESTION: To add or not to add needles and if so at what rate?
Ive begun the form for the mold of this oven and have some questions I'm hoping for some input on. I have chosen to use Iron Pony's mold design http://www.fornobravo.com/community/...-an-ohio-build (post link tab doesnt seem to respond for me)
because its brilliant and I like the fact that I can reuse it if need be. I have done some modifications to the mold sub frame Im hoping they will work for me.
I seem to be having an issue with the Vent and Throat transition and have some mix questions.
Throat transition:
You may be able to tell from the pic I have created an assembly for the opening with a door "revel". After looking at it I am wondering if I'm correct in thinking I should cut that web and slide it back to the 10" mark where if I were doing brick it should sit? I'm pretty sure that's where it needs to be for a good transition. I have built a couple barrel ovens out of brick and the area I'm talking about is where a the steel lentil (angle iron) would go. Why Im having trouble visualizing this for a cast oven is beyond me.

QUESTION: Should cut that web and slide the throat assembly back to the 10" mark? (where blue line meets curve of web)
Vent & Landing opening:
I made it too big (front to back) for this size oven, a 6" or even 4" vent should be more than sufficient. This oven is going to be mounted on a trailer and although I love the look of a clay flue liner its just not practical. I will be using a Steel or S Steel anchor plate for the vent pipe eventually. There is a lot of moisture in the process of these ovens and galvanized doesn't hold up to the heat and moisture cycles in my experience.
QUESTION: What size flue works best for this size oven?
Refractory Material Consistency:
I have a lot masonry experience but NONE with this product (is an AP Green product for this application, cant recall right now specifically what mix it is prob K4 or KS?
QUESTION: In others experience what is a good working consistency for this material?
Addition of Stainless Steel Needles:
The guys that use this material to line steam generators in my area say they dont generally use them and the product holds up well at temps well above my application.I have some maybe about a pound or 2 but just not sure they are necessary. I was thinking to add them certainly wouldn't hurt and I'm sure they would help in the mobile aspect.
QUESTION: To add or not to add needles and if so at what rate?