Hiya all,
I have read through quite a few construction threads, steves from Austin and Georges threads stand out to me. I have a question with regards to the cracks that have formed in these oven constructions.
It is comming to WInter here in Australia, our temperatures dont really get as cold as Washington State and I dont think it gets as cold as austin either but I dont know how cold it was during Steves construction.
I was thinking about laying the slab and hearth and doing the dome construction in Mid spring ( October) so leaving the slab for the next 6 months. I dont know if I will be able to do that cause I dont really want an ugly slab in my back yard and would wantto build the oven.
Anways I have gotten of track as I seem to do alot my question is
Is there a down side to me building the dome, chimney, doing the insulation and putting together the single brick wall for the casing and hip roof and then leaving the curing of the oven until mid september (6 months).
Now I know what some you you are going to say, will I be able to resist the temptation of lighting it for that long.Well that remains to be seen.
Any ideas as to why leaving the oven for 6 months before doing the initial lighting and subsequent lightings for curing would be a bad idea??
I have read through quite a few construction threads, steves from Austin and Georges threads stand out to me. I have a question with regards to the cracks that have formed in these oven constructions.
It is comming to WInter here in Australia, our temperatures dont really get as cold as Washington State and I dont think it gets as cold as austin either but I dont know how cold it was during Steves construction.
I was thinking about laying the slab and hearth and doing the dome construction in Mid spring ( October) so leaving the slab for the next 6 months. I dont know if I will be able to do that cause I dont really want an ugly slab in my back yard and would wantto build the oven.
Anways I have gotten of track as I seem to do alot my question is
Is there a down side to me building the dome, chimney, doing the insulation and putting together the single brick wall for the casing and hip roof and then leaving the curing of the oven until mid september (6 months).
Now I know what some you you are going to say, will I be able to resist the temptation of lighting it for that long.Well that remains to be seen.
Any ideas as to why leaving the oven for 6 months before doing the initial lighting and subsequent lightings for curing would be a bad idea??