Last year I started construction on my long anticipated 42" WFO. Summer came and went and I didn't get it completed. There are many reasons for that. One of them is that I was trying to cut each brick in such a way as to have very thin mortar joints. The result was a lot of time wasted doing that and an oven that was taking on the shape of a Hersheys Kiss. So, I actually tore it all down to the floor level and started over. Soccer and school and kids all kept me from finishing it before fall turned to winter. Alas, I'm just now getting back out to it. Here is what it looked like when I left off last year:

I drug out the HF saw from the shed, unearthed all my tools and actually laid a few bricks today.

I am the world's slowest builder! Oh well, gotta keep plugging away at it, right?!
- Alex
I drug out the HF saw from the shed, unearthed all my tools and actually laid a few bricks today.
I am the world's slowest builder! Oh well, gotta keep plugging away at it, right?!
- Alex