Been a while since I posted (real-life got in the way of oven progress!!), but here's my updates:
Finished the dome, and the outer arch. One of the attached pictures shows the finished arch if you look closely. We used full length fire bricks for the lower part of the arch, and then the last few at the top of the arch are only 1/2 length, in order to leave us a gap for chimney gasses to escape upwards. We're planning on using a clay flue liner, and building a chimney on top of the inner/outer arch area to direct the fumes upwards.
I also included one picture of the interior of our dome - it needs to be cleaned in this picture, but I don't have one 'post cleaning'. I have to say - this was the most frustrating area of the build so far. Figuring out how to taper the bricks with the limits of our saw was difficult. You can see that we have more of a mortar joint that is ideal, but I've got my fingers crossed that it won't just crumble in while in use.
We've done some test pours of our concrete countertops. I've used a few different colors from Cheng Concrete (Saddle, charcoal and Ocean). I'm glad we did the test pours, as it's given us a chance to fiddle with the amount of water to include, and also given us a canvas in which to adapt our grinding/polishing techniques. I'll try to take some pictures of those test pours and put them on here, just in case anyone wants to take a peek. We haven't quite decided which direction we're going, but we're getting there.
We built the counters out of treated 2x4s and plan on skinning them with a concrete backer board in preparation for a stone veneer we'll be applying later. The brick 'cube' you see on the right side of the picture is the beginnings of our open BBQ pit. We made a basic form out of 8x8x16" CMUs and then skinned it with reclaimed brick that we had. We've only got the base laid and haven't started the sides/back of the BBQ. It will make more sense once we get a little farther along in the process (we ran out of mortar).
As we finish up the countertop structures, we're really starting to figure out what we want the upper enclosure of the oven to look like. We're planning a 'dog house' style enclosure, with maybe a single slope shed roof. Our original thought was to clad the entire structure with the same stone veneer as the base,, but now I'm worried it will look too monolithic (especially since we have almost a full 6' of structure from the backside/ground level area of the oven. we're playing with the idea of mixing the stone veneer with some other material (brick?wood? metal?) but are stymied. Any suggestions welcome
Finished the dome, and the outer arch. One of the attached pictures shows the finished arch if you look closely. We used full length fire bricks for the lower part of the arch, and then the last few at the top of the arch are only 1/2 length, in order to leave us a gap for chimney gasses to escape upwards. We're planning on using a clay flue liner, and building a chimney on top of the inner/outer arch area to direct the fumes upwards.
I also included one picture of the interior of our dome - it needs to be cleaned in this picture, but I don't have one 'post cleaning'. I have to say - this was the most frustrating area of the build so far. Figuring out how to taper the bricks with the limits of our saw was difficult. You can see that we have more of a mortar joint that is ideal, but I've got my fingers crossed that it won't just crumble in while in use.
We've done some test pours of our concrete countertops. I've used a few different colors from Cheng Concrete (Saddle, charcoal and Ocean). I'm glad we did the test pours, as it's given us a chance to fiddle with the amount of water to include, and also given us a canvas in which to adapt our grinding/polishing techniques. I'll try to take some pictures of those test pours and put them on here, just in case anyone wants to take a peek. We haven't quite decided which direction we're going, but we're getting there.
We built the counters out of treated 2x4s and plan on skinning them with a concrete backer board in preparation for a stone veneer we'll be applying later. The brick 'cube' you see on the right side of the picture is the beginnings of our open BBQ pit. We made a basic form out of 8x8x16" CMUs and then skinned it with reclaimed brick that we had. We've only got the base laid and haven't started the sides/back of the BBQ. It will make more sense once we get a little farther along in the process (we ran out of mortar).
As we finish up the countertop structures, we're really starting to figure out what we want the upper enclosure of the oven to look like. We're planning a 'dog house' style enclosure, with maybe a single slope shed roof. Our original thought was to clad the entire structure with the same stone veneer as the base,, but now I'm worried it will look too monolithic (especially since we have almost a full 6' of structure from the backside/ground level area of the oven. we're playing with the idea of mixing the stone veneer with some other material (brick?wood? metal?) but are stymied. Any suggestions welcome
