Hello FB Pompeii gang, I have a question. When using 'fire clay', not grog or fire brick shavings, does it vitrify over many firings? or does it just dry out? I am wondering because most low fire clay seems to be above the temperature the ovens get too when referring to cone temperature conversion charts from a quick google search. The lowest temperature low fire clay I have seen available is cone 17 which roughly translates to 1360 -1400 degrees Fahrenheit. I feel like this has been answered in the past, so feel free to post links to other posts. I'm about to lay a hearth and I was wondering about the mix of fire-clay and sand for the hearth paste as seen in the Pompeii oven building instructions. It would seem to me that the clay would generally just dry out. Are there hardened stages between vitrification and dry 'hearth paste' aka 1 part sand and 1 part fire-clay? I think I have split this into more questions than I had when I started writing, but I'm curious what the general consensus has been.
Thanks, James
Thanks, James