I've asked another forum but I just want some more eyes on this. I'm getting frustrated! I've got my hearth built and laid the cal-sil boards then put the floor on the boards. I started to mortar my sailor course using a recipe I found from another forum.
6 Sand
1 Portland Cement
1 Part Hydrated Lime (I'm using a putty made with garden lime covered in water for 6 months)
1 Part Fire Clay
I laid my first course and mortared the sides. The next day none of the mortar stuck and it had dried away from the bricks and was really crumbly. So I was told make the mix a little thinner and soak my bricks. Making a test, I mixed a small batch mortared two bricks on top of one another, another 3 bricks together and put a little mortar in a ziploc bag. I covered all the tests with a damp towel, and two plastic sheets. The temp has been around 65 all week. 48+ hours later, the bag mix was crumbly but wet, I picked up the bricks on top of each other and the bottom fell apart, the mix was like sand, and the other test broke apart with ease. Here's a vid of what happened:
I'm also including some pics of the items I'm using just in case you see something I'm missing. I've had the portland cement since May or June of 2017 and it's been stored in a locked shed off the ground. It LOOKS to be fine??? Also is the sand too course? I bought a bag of what I was told is "play sand" from Lowes. Any input would be appreciated! Thanks!
6 Sand
1 Portland Cement
1 Part Hydrated Lime (I'm using a putty made with garden lime covered in water for 6 months)
1 Part Fire Clay
I laid my first course and mortared the sides. The next day none of the mortar stuck and it had dried away from the bricks and was really crumbly. So I was told make the mix a little thinner and soak my bricks. Making a test, I mixed a small batch mortared two bricks on top of one another, another 3 bricks together and put a little mortar in a ziploc bag. I covered all the tests with a damp towel, and two plastic sheets. The temp has been around 65 all week. 48+ hours later, the bag mix was crumbly but wet, I picked up the bricks on top of each other and the bottom fell apart, the mix was like sand, and the other test broke apart with ease. Here's a vid of what happened:
I'm also including some pics of the items I'm using just in case you see something I'm missing. I've had the portland cement since May or June of 2017 and it's been stored in a locked shed off the ground. It LOOKS to be fine??? Also is the sand too course? I bought a bag of what I was told is "play sand" from Lowes. Any input would be appreciated! Thanks!