I'm finally getting to documenting my build. It is partially complete but wanted to contribute my experiences to this great community.
The Good:
My dome is complete and I've had my first fire. I'm mostly pleased with it. It is, by no means, as clean as other builds on this forum but for my first build I'm mostly satisfied. It took about 10 days of concentrated effort. I didn't waste too much brick and/or mortar and it ended up mostly spherical.
The Bad:
I still have so much to do...certainly a bigger project than I first anticipated. Measuring fractional angles is (at best) difficult using low resolution tools. Kudos to those out there that have such precision cuts and joints. It is truly an exceptional skill that photos make look easy. Having a warped diamond blade on my wet saw didn't help but it certainly wasn't the greatest contributing factor.
The Ugly:
My joints are extremely varied - some are good, some are great, and then others are just outright bad. There were times when patience got the best of me. I thought I would get better at mortaring...apparently not - something to work on for the next build. Angle grinders are VERY good at what they do...and they are not very forgiving !!!
Here are a couple pictures showing where I'm at but I'm also going to chronicle how I got here. Any comments are extremely welcome and desired as I still have more to do and do plan on doing another oven with / for a friend so any advice is most welcome - especially and criticism (I can take it).
Burlington, ON
P.S. If you're in the area and wanna stop in for some food and beer - company is always welcome
The Good:
My dome is complete and I've had my first fire. I'm mostly pleased with it. It is, by no means, as clean as other builds on this forum but for my first build I'm mostly satisfied. It took about 10 days of concentrated effort. I didn't waste too much brick and/or mortar and it ended up mostly spherical.
The Bad:
I still have so much to do...certainly a bigger project than I first anticipated. Measuring fractional angles is (at best) difficult using low resolution tools. Kudos to those out there that have such precision cuts and joints. It is truly an exceptional skill that photos make look easy. Having a warped diamond blade on my wet saw didn't help but it certainly wasn't the greatest contributing factor.
The Ugly:
My joints are extremely varied - some are good, some are great, and then others are just outright bad. There were times when patience got the best of me. I thought I would get better at mortaring...apparently not - something to work on for the next build. Angle grinders are VERY good at what they do...and they are not very forgiving !!!
Here are a couple pictures showing where I'm at but I'm also going to chronicle how I got here. Any comments are extremely welcome and desired as I still have more to do and do plan on doing another oven with / for a friend so any advice is most welcome - especially and criticism (I can take it).
Burlington, ON
P.S. If you're in the area and wanna stop in for some food and beer - company is always welcome
