Yesterday i wanted to make pizzas in my oven and it failed me.
My base is constructed of the following.
2.5" of portland and sand then on top of that i did 2.5" of vermiculite cement.
Then the oven floor is made from fire brick. and i built the dome around the floor. i have a inner diameter of 34 1/4" the door opening is 18 1/4 " by 14 1/4" high. Im not sure of the height of the dome.
I live in chicago so the weather here sucks. but Yesterday was not too cold but was windy. The problem im having is that its taking too long to heat the oven ( I use alot of wood) and second the oven floor doesnt stay hot long enough. Yesterday i had the oven around 800 degrees and the floor was only 300 deg F. I also have insulfrax wrapped around the dome. not in the pics though. Here are some older pictures of the oven but still looks the same. Anyone have any suggestions or do i need to pull out the sledge hammer and start over?

My base is constructed of the following.
2.5" of portland and sand then on top of that i did 2.5" of vermiculite cement.
Then the oven floor is made from fire brick. and i built the dome around the floor. i have a inner diameter of 34 1/4" the door opening is 18 1/4 " by 14 1/4" high. Im not sure of the height of the dome.
I live in chicago so the weather here sucks. but Yesterday was not too cold but was windy. The problem im having is that its taking too long to heat the oven ( I use alot of wood) and second the oven floor doesnt stay hot long enough. Yesterday i had the oven around 800 degrees and the floor was only 300 deg F. I also have insulfrax wrapped around the dome. not in the pics though. Here are some older pictures of the oven but still looks the same. Anyone have any suggestions or do i need to pull out the sledge hammer and start over?
