Hello all - I've wanted to build a WFO for several years and looked in books and plans online, but until I found this site and forum, I didn't have the confidence to think that I could actually pull it off. So first and foremost, thanks to James for starting this great site, and to the members of the community.
I started baking bread about 4 years ago, and have tried every oven trick I could find to simulate a professional oven, and while I think I can make a pretty decent loaf, I think having a WFO will enable me to take it to the next level (part of the problem is that we have a gas oven, which ventilates almost all of the steam immediately). I've also gotten the bug for Neapolitan-style pizza, and have similarly tried all the tricks in the book, but so far the perfect pizza has eluded me...
I have almost no experience doing in any kind of construction (my wife pointed out yesterday that my next biggest project before starting my oven was sanding down and refinishing a chair), so the support and knowledge base here has been invaluable to me.
I started my build last November. I completed the foundation and stand just before winter descended, and then it sat until March until temperatures were warm enough for me to begin the dome.
Here are some pictures of my build; yesterday I finished row 9:

I started baking bread about 4 years ago, and have tried every oven trick I could find to simulate a professional oven, and while I think I can make a pretty decent loaf, I think having a WFO will enable me to take it to the next level (part of the problem is that we have a gas oven, which ventilates almost all of the steam immediately). I've also gotten the bug for Neapolitan-style pizza, and have similarly tried all the tricks in the book, but so far the perfect pizza has eluded me...
I have almost no experience doing in any kind of construction (my wife pointed out yesterday that my next biggest project before starting my oven was sanding down and refinishing a chair), so the support and knowledge base here has been invaluable to me.
I started my build last November. I completed the foundation and stand just before winter descended, and then it sat until March until temperatures were warm enough for me to begin the dome.
Here are some pictures of my build; yesterday I finished row 9:
