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My circle is getting out of shape?

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  • My circle is getting out of shape?

    I have put on 4 rows of brick on top of the half brick start. All was going good and have the angle iron in for the front opening. Thats when I stood up and looked from the top. It is a little to straight on one side at the front. Not as pefect a circle anymore.

    Is this a big deal or should I keep going up more rows tommorrow? I have put in two pictures if these help explain it better. Will it still cook okay if I keep going up?


  • #2
    Re: My circle is getting out of shape?

    that happens to just about everyone. Don't worry about it. You can try correct it in subsequent courses, or ignore it. Either way, it's not going to make a difference in the function of your oven. Looks great so far!


    • #3
      Re: My circle is getting out of shape?

      I agree...not a big deal and pretty typical. Might help if you build a little guide to help you keep everything somewhat equal- but it will self correct to some extent if you just keep chugging along as is. And no, it won't effect the oven and in fact, it won't even be noticeable when all is said and done. I think its looking darn good.
      Check out my oven progress here:

      See ALL of my pictures here:


      • #4
        Re: My circle is getting out of shape?

        Remember that once you build and cover this thing, it will only be visible to the extent that you can look in through the low, dimly-lit door. No one will be able to tell if there are minor (or even medium) shape deviations or uneven surfaces or anything like that.

        If you care about aesthetics (and we all do to some extent) make sure the lower-half of the back wall looks good. And the arch of course.
        Last edited by kebwi; 10-06-2009, 04:24 PM.

        WFO Webpage:


        • #5
          Re: My circle is getting out of shape?

          Glad to see this issue is still occuring. Those of us who built "pre-guides/indespensible tool" or freehand if you will, have all run into this problem - the egg shape or teardrop. Somehow caused when meeting the dome to the inner arch.
          It happened on my build, after hours of frustration and wonder, I chose to move on and correct on the next couple of courses (I believe it took 2 in order to make mine round again).
          Unless you plan on having guests lie on there backs and stick their heads in the oven, no one will ever know. It has ZERO effect on oven performance or stability.
          Nice work, keep it up!



          • #6
            Re: My circle is getting out of shape?

            Thanks everyone I will sleep better tonight. It is a lot of fun building and learnig on this oven. I think I am going to tackle a fireplace or water feature to go along with it. Of course that is after enjoying some pizzas once it is done.


            • #7
              Re: My circle is getting out of shape?

              Originally posted by RTflorida View Post
              Unless you plan on having guests lie on there backs and stick their heads in the oven, no one will ever know.
              if someone wants to comment on mine I'll invite them to inspect it when the temp is around 800 degrees...should be a quick inspection.


              • #8
                Re: My circle is getting out of shape?

                Nothing on my oven is round, square, plumb or level. It cooks pizza just fine.


                Member WFOAMBA Wood Fired Oven Amatueur Masons Builders America

                My thread:


                • #9
                  Re: My circle is getting out of shape?

                  another voice chiming in... yeah, me too. I've come to the realization that it is pretty much unavoidable given the intersecting shapes of the arch and the dome unless you either locate the inner arch a good ways deeper into the dome or use guide to set the dome shape independently of the arch. Like RT, I ended up correcting in later rows, and closed up the dome just fine. Working without forms or guides is a little more difficult and a lot less geometrically perfect, but will still produce solid, functional, and even attractive forms if you are careful.

                  My oven build is finally complete!


                  • #10
                    Re: My circle is getting out of shape?

                    Nothing on my oven is round, square, plumb or level. It cooks pizza just fine.
                    Hey Joe,, Have you been using my oven ???


                    • #11
                      Re: My circle is getting out of shape?

                      Glad to see I'm not the only one with a tear shaped dome at the arch interface. I've already started correcting it on the next layer of bricks.


                      • #12
                        Re: My circle is getting out of shape?

                        just make your pizza dough egg shaped and it will cook nice and even


                        • #13
                          Re: My circle is getting out of shape?

                          I am not alone!!!


                          • #14
                            Re: My circle is getting out of shape?

                            you are very farrr from alone......


                            • #15
                              Re: My circle is getting out of shape?

                              Geeez, I'm really surprised so many folks are chiming in. This same topic was pretty widely discussed a few yrs ago on this forum, the chatter seamed to stop almost instantly as guys developed more elaborate forms, guides, and tools for alignment.

                              At the time, it really bummed me out. I went to the trouble of using the cut to fit method to reduce the mortar joints and make a tighter fit.......and then I failed to keep it round.
                              Anyway, nice to see an old topic come up and also find out that there are many more of "us" than I thought. Power to the eggheads!!!


