Can you tell me what the block layout will be for the 42" stand for the Pompeii oven? Thanks for your help!
Welcome aboard
Hi Larry,
Welcome aboard. I think you will enjoy the project -- and love the oven.
Here is a posting that describes how to calculate the size of your hearth/stand relative to the size of your oven chamber. Take a look, and let us know if that posting works. It's important to get off on the right foot.
Flash back from the past
there are many ways to get there. This was the basic design for a 42 incher long ago in a galaxy far away and they have demoted Pluto to less than planet stature :-(. This method is for dry stacking and then filling every other core with concrete and rebar. If you make is oversize (both the foundation and the bloack wall then you have room for decoration and such. This is the minimum.
Originally posted by Larry BosketCan you tell me what the block layout will be for the 42" stand for the Pompeii oven? Thanks for your help!
Thanks for the welcome and the info. I'm sure that I'll be asking a lot more questions, but this really helps me with this step.
P.s. I'm having fun!