In finishing my build I bought and had shipped all the way from California 5 bags of FB mortar. It's too much hassle to find the right stuff in the right quantities locally. I am VERY pleased with the stuff, as it has great workability, flow characteristics, and is spot on the right color for firebricks!
Wish I had used it throughout the build. Here's my question:
Can I use the stuff to build my flue area, using the FB mortar as a castable refractory? I want to make a mold and pour the stuff, and then set my Duratech chimney adapter onto it. Should I use some chicken wire in the mold cavity as a sort of "steel reinforcement," or should I just use it pure? If this won't work, I'll need to buy some of the old fashioned gray stuff.
Wish I had used it throughout the build. Here's my question:
Can I use the stuff to build my flue area, using the FB mortar as a castable refractory? I want to make a mold and pour the stuff, and then set my Duratech chimney adapter onto it. Should I use some chicken wire in the mold cavity as a sort of "steel reinforcement," or should I just use it pure? If this won't work, I'll need to buy some of the old fashioned gray stuff.