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Homemade Pizza Peels

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  • #31
    Re: Homemade Pizza Peels

    Grimaldi, re: your pizza's:
    I use your recipe above when I'm not using Sourdough starter except:
    (1)-I use 2-3% more water (2)-I use 1/2 or less the ADY (active dry) yeast you use per that batch because I always let it rise overnight in the fridge.

    Also (and I hope I'm offending anyone ) I assumed you did NOT use a ROLLING PIN. If you did (don't admit it or else you may be banned from the forum ) make sure you hand stretch only from now on.

    I do very little kneading on pizza's. No need to build gluten bonds like bread.

    Also, regarding sliding the pizza's off the peel: I used flour, then semolina but after reading about the virtues of rice flour (almost all markets carry the cheap stuff; especially ethnic) I'll never go back. I keep it in tin salt shaker by my pizza peels. Remember that flour, semolina and corn meal cook in minutes. Rice takes almost an hour because it resists water. Resisting moisture makes the pizzas slide right off. It also doesn't burn or add/change the dough flavor if you use too much.

    Great idea on the coconut oil; a very stable and healthy oil.

    Good luck, Dino
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    • #32
      Re: Homemade Pizza Peels

      Originally posted by BrickStoneOven View Post
      I know I asked you before, but not counting the coconut oil you used, did you use another sealent? Or did you glued the pieces together, sand then coconut oil. The reason I am asking is because the place I am having make my peel has never made one before so they don't know if they have to seal it or not. I told him I talked to someone(you) who said he just used coconut oil, I just wanted to make sure.

      Is this the type of coconut oil you used? Organic Fiji Cold Pressed Cooking Oil: Health &…

      Sorry for all being kind of annoying.
      Not annoying at all...better to be prepared than sorry.

      Yes, the coconut oil I used was similar...the oil is a non-issue as far as the woodworker is concerned, you can do it yourself or not do anything, it really has no impact on the function of the hardwood just brings out the beauty of the wood really, that's why I did it.

      You don't want the maker to do anything but it sand very well, up to 220 grit, that is as far as I went only because that was the finest grit I had on hand...if I would have had finer, I would have gone to 600 grit. But it doesn't really matter after a certain point for our purposes.

      In answer to your basic not use a sealer on it! Coconut oil, mineral oil, walnut oil, etc. are not sealers...they are just surface penetrating oils, nothing more.

      Good luck, post some pics when you are done.
      Last edited by Grimaldi; 08-05-2010, 10:13 AM. Reason: forgot word


      • #33
        Re: Homemade Pizza Peels

        Dino, thanks for the tips! Does using less yeast and proofing (is that the right term?) overnight in the frig make for a more tender dough? Or is it just for taste, or something else?

        I promise I didn't use a rolling pin...I copy the technique of my Japanese pizzaiolo mentor Have you ever seen this guy? Pretty impressive.
        YouTube - ‪?????????????? ???????‬‎

        I'll have to pickup some rice flour sometime just for the extra insurance on big pizzas made on the peel...although I have not had a failure yet with my new peels.


        • #34
          Re: Homemade Pizza Peels

          Thanks for all the help I will definitely put pictures up when I get it.


          • #35
            I made some pizza peels for no cost.
            I found a stainless steel loaf and i cut it for peels.I used it and is perfect!
            I made 2 round peels and 2 rectangle.
            Total Cost:3euros
            Click image for larger version

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ID:	398412 .
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ID:	398413


            • #36
              George_M, can you give a brief description of the process you used to make your peels? I'm about to start my own peels and am canvassing folks that have built their own. Thanks!


              • #37
                I think stainless is a better material than aluminium which abraded too easily and its higher conductivity means it”ll heat up much faster in the oven and cool down faster once it’s out. This of course simply robs the floor of heat faster. Using the appropriate thickness of stainless is important. I’ve found 1.2 mm to be ideal.
                Kindled with zeal and fired with passion.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Dosache View Post
                  George_M, can you give a brief description of the process you used to make your peels? I'm about to start my own peels and am canvassing folks that have built their own. Thanks!
                  Sorry for my late repsonse.
                  It is from stanless steel sheet.
                  I printed a template from peel size and i draw the outline on the sheet.
                  Then i cutted with electric sheet metal scissor.
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	peel (2).JPG
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ID:	432495
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Name:	peel (1).JPG
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ID:	432496


                  • #39
                    Thanks George.


                    • #40
                      The tools look great. How long did you make them and what kind of wood did you use? There must be some kind of solid to be resistant to wear and temperature.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by George_M View Post
                        I made some pizza peels for no cost.
                        I found a stainless steel loaf and i cut it for peels.I used it and is perfect!
                        I made 2 round peels and 2 rectangle.
                        Total Cost:3euros
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	P_20170603_151033.jpg
Views:	955
Size:	53.0 KB
ID:	398412 .
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	P_20170603_151019.jpg
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ID:	398411
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Name:	peel.JPG
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Size:	36.1 KB
ID:	398413
                        Thanks for idea!

