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Mirror layer with wire

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  • Mirror layer with wire

    I am inclosing my dome and filling the whole space with insulating material do I still need to do the layer of mortar with wire I think I should this layer stops any cracks because of the wire in it am I correct thanks guys Jason I mean the outer laver with mesh wire do I need this if your not going to see the dome
    Last edited by Jason79; 07-07-2011, 10:29 AM. Reason: Spelling

  • #2
    Re: Mirror layer with wire

    I'm afraid I don't understand your question. What mirror? What wire? Maybe you can explain what you are planning to do.
    My geodesic oven project: part 1, part 2


    • #3
      Re: Mirror layer with wire

      Hi Jason79,

      No, you don't need the mortar and wire if you are going to fill the enclosure with insulation.


      Here is the link to my oven number 1 construction photos!

      Here is the link to my oven number 2 construction photos!


      • #4
        Re: Mirror layer with wire

        To pick up on this thread, I think my stove construction is at about the same stage as Jason79. I have my Forno Bravo Casa2G80 stove on top of its insulation and with the cooking floor in place. I'll cement the joints - that seems no problem. Then the insulation gets wrapped on the stove and it's at this point I need some guidance. I want to create a finished dome in stucco, including a flat front face and square stucco chimney enclosure (around the stainless pipe that came with the stove, but should I swap this out for double-walled?) and a shell over the dome that de-emphasizes the low spot at the oven door (so, built up more over the neck than the dome itself). I think I can use metal lath for the front face and the chimney surround. Creating the dome cover is where I'm puzzled. I've read materials on this forum that suggest using a welded frame of thin rebar, with screen mounted to the frame and hardware cloth on top of that and vermiculite to fill the irregularities between the frame/screen/cloth and the bat insulation. Others seem less concerned with creating such a frame system and seem to say something less is adequate, perhaps just sturdy hardware cloth with heavy duty aluminum foil between the bat insulation and the hardware cloth. Is there a preferred method for creating a substrate for a stucco shell that will resist cracking? A list of the methods other folks have used successfully?

