I saw a reference to using paint to color conrete in one of the older posts but no one seems to know if it works or how well. I did find this reference about the effect of a latex paint in concrete.
The recycling of waste latex paint by using it as a partial replacement for the virgin latex and mixing water in concrete for pavement construction was investigated. In Ontario, Canada, 12% of the total hazardous waste collected by municipalities is waste latex paint, the disposal of which costs Can$0.90-1.40/litre. Typical pavement mixes containing Portland cement, slag, coarse and fine aggregates, air-entraining and water-reducing compounds were prepared in which 25-100% of the virgin latex was replaced by recycled paint. The introduction of recycled paint resulted in improved workability, increased flexural strength, lower chloride ion penetration, and better resistance to surface scaling caused by de-icing salt. The whole of Ontario's waste latex paint could be used for pavement construction.
Has any tried this yet ? I am curious about the depth of color and the ease of use. The concrete tinting powders are pretty limited in color range and paint might open up other possibilities. ( not everyone wants "Sunset Pink" like George's awesome oven
The recycling of waste latex paint by using it as a partial replacement for the virgin latex and mixing water in concrete for pavement construction was investigated. In Ontario, Canada, 12% of the total hazardous waste collected by municipalities is waste latex paint, the disposal of which costs Can$0.90-1.40/litre. Typical pavement mixes containing Portland cement, slag, coarse and fine aggregates, air-entraining and water-reducing compounds were prepared in which 25-100% of the virgin latex was replaced by recycled paint. The introduction of recycled paint resulted in improved workability, increased flexural strength, lower chloride ion penetration, and better resistance to surface scaling caused by de-icing salt. The whole of Ontario's waste latex paint could be used for pavement construction.
Has any tried this yet ? I am curious about the depth of color and the ease of use. The concrete tinting powders are pretty limited in color range and paint might open up other possibilities. ( not everyone wants "Sunset Pink" like George's awesome oven
