Had a mishap the other day.
Flames from the coals licked the rendered fat in my dish and I had a big flare-up in the oven.
It's all black with soot and smoke.
The inside I've cleaned by heating the oven to 800F and it burned off most of the soot.
But flames also caught the outside part by the door.
How do I clean it and get the bricks back to their natural color?
Thanks for your advise!
Best regards.
Had a mishap the other day.
Flames from the coals licked the rendered fat in my dish and I had a big flare-up in the oven.
It's all black with soot and smoke.
The inside I've cleaned by heating the oven to 800F and it burned off most of the soot.
But flames also caught the outside part by the door.
How do I clean it and get the bricks back to their natural color?
Thanks for your advise!

Best regards.