My brother and I are no newcomers to cooking. We have been making pizza for years in a conventional oven using a pizza restaurant dough recipe that we got from a friend that owned a very successful restaurant. Now that we have a WFO we have been making pizza just about every weekend to showcase our labor of love to family and friends. The pizza comes our ourstanding. The crust (bones as we call them) are crispy yet light and airy. The overall texture is fantastic. The only thing we would like to do is get the underneath a little crispier. We don't overload with toppings or sauce. The oven floor is between 750 and 800 degrees and the internal temperature is slightly higher. We slide the pizza on the floor and let the steam dissipate and then rotate so as not to burn the edges. We will slide the pizza away from the flames to even give the pie longer cooking times without burning (2mins instead of 90secs. We will also rake the coals on the floor after a few pies have been made to keep the temperature hot. Maybe it's just us because everybody raves about it but I would like to get that bottom a little crispier. Any suggestions or am I just your typical cook that always has a hard time judging their own work.