You’re not old Russell, mature. Like me!
Gulfs build is a very nice one! I’ve got in mind an iron roof as well and in keeping with the round shape of the dome, curved. It’ll span more over the front to give me shelter while cooking and wide enough to keep the rain off the dome, slope back to allow the water to fall into the garden area. Most likely will use square gal and bolt to the block work. The only thing I envisage is the poles might get in the way of overhanging granite slab work that I might put on the sides.
We say here
Take my wife. PLEASE!
she always hates my brainstorms at first but comes around in the end.
Gulfs build is a very nice one! I’ve got in mind an iron roof as well and in keeping with the round shape of the dome, curved. It’ll span more over the front to give me shelter while cooking and wide enough to keep the rain off the dome, slope back to allow the water to fall into the garden area. Most likely will use square gal and bolt to the block work. The only thing I envisage is the poles might get in the way of overhanging granite slab work that I might put on the sides.
We say here
happy wife happy life
