This forum being world wide shows the
Stuggles some have in finding proper wood
For their ovens. As before I thought shipping
Pallets might be an idea, but in some country's
There are treated I'm told? In my research I was
Drawing a blank until a family cool out. My
Brother in law bought this at Sam club.
I read the lable and there is no chemicals added.
This if in your area could be a great idea for your oven?
Stuggles some have in finding proper wood
For their ovens. As before I thought shipping
Pallets might be an idea, but in some country's
There are treated I'm told? In my research I was
Drawing a blank until a family cool out. My
Brother in law bought this at Sam club.
I read the lable and there is no chemicals added.
This if in your area could be a great idea for your oven?