Using Reinharts recipe and formed with a baguette tray. Pleased with the results. Nice and easy and to be served with dipping oil and balsamic to guests coming for a BBQ tonight.
Re: Ciabatta
Thanks Jay...
I got some good feedback from the wife and guests at the BBQ last night too which was nice. It looks like ciabatta will be a regular on the baking list from now on. It keeps so well and is perfect for toasting (esp. for bruscheta) up to a few days after baking it./ Rossco
Re: Ciabatta
Hi Rossco!
I really like ciabatta as an alternative to sourdough. I make mine pretty wet (usually around 80% hydration) which makes it pretty thin. It appears your loaves are relatively conventional in both hydration and shaping. (probably 68-72% hydration based on the shape). Ciabatta is a good bread to learn to handle wet dough. Fold it very gently and use lots of flour on the outside.
Wetter gives bigger holes which some people don't like (food falls through!)
But I love the texture!
Re: Ciabatta
Hi Jay,
Thanks for your comments ...
Yes, I am pretty well hooked on ciabatta too. It is definitely done on the wet side (as per Reinhart's recipe). Making a batch to have a "ploughmans" lunch today. I have a neighbour whose wife has cancer and is bedridden, so I will make an extra loaf and a pizza for them also. The standard batch is a bit too much for two people but I find that it keeps so well for toast that we seldome buy supermarket bread any longer./ Rossco
Re: Ciabatta
Reinhart's ciabatta is wet but not super wet. It can be fun to work back and forth between ciabatta and focaccia to learn to deal with super wet doughs. Couple of years ago I did 1 100% hydration focaccia and it was amazingly good (but I wasn't enamored enough to repeat it). (It WAS interesting to work with!)
80 percent ciabatta is fun too. It is SOOOO delicate!
Re: Ciabatta
Those look good. I prefer my ciabatta to be relatively flat and thin so I can slice it in half to make buns for sandwichy/burger uses.
To do really wet dough you need more flour. Literally have a pan of flour and dip the pieces in it. Also helps to make smaller/shorter loaves so you can better handle them. An alternative is to put them on parchment upon forming but I prefer to not do that. You end up with a heavy flour coat but the bread rises and cracks the flour crust and gives a lovely look - as in your earlier photos!
Re: Ciabatta
Originally posted by texassourdough View PostCouple of years ago I did 1 100% hydration focaccia and it was amazingly good (but I wasn't enamored enough to repeat it). (It WAS interesting to work with!)
Do you just pour that out of a pitcher on to the hearth floor, like pancake batter
Re: Ciabatta
Hi Pdiff!
While one would expect it to spread and be uniform thickness it still resisted stretching out and the dimpling process was still necessary. Not as hard to spread as regular foccacia but still took some effort. The crust was REALLY airy. I prefer a more normal 80-85% for it has a bit more "bite" (substance). was interesting to work with. While I could probably make a 90 percent ciabatta and MAYBE a 100% I am not interested. It isn't really all that interesting to me. (Mainly involves using tons of flour to keep the dough from touching anything!)
Your comment raises a new vision...a pitcher of dough! Funny!
Re: Ciabatta
Are you doing these as sourdough or conventional yeast? I think I have posted this before...LOVE, LOVE this recipe for ciabatta:
Jason's Quick Coccodrillo Ciabatta Bread | The Fresh Loaf
It's 95% hydration but it requires almost zero handling so no problem. I think it's better and easier than the Renhardt recipe.
I tried it once as sourdough and failed, but I think I need to give it another go. OTOH, it's one of the few breads where I'm willing to stoop to conventional yeast because it's so fantastic and so easy.
Re: Ciabatta
Hi Splatgirl!
I have done Jason's a few times. Very good, but I like more traditional folding approach/look so I don't do it often.
I suspect the problem with sourdough is the low activity and prolonged rise time which will result in having a hard time tripling and then having the flour absorb moisture and get gummy.
Try again! (consider using lower expansion ratios and higher proofing temp)
Re: Ciabatta
Rossco, those ciabattas look wonderful. Do you do the final proofing on wax paper or white parchment? Then just slide them on to the oven stone? That's how I do it so I'm just curious.
Jay: since ciabatta has such a high hydration (or can have) how do you get those onto your oven stone?
That Jasons quick CCB recipe sounds good, I'll have to try it for comparison.
-Dino"Life is a banquet and most poor sons-of-bitches are starving to death." -Auntie Mame
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Re: Ciabatta
Hi Dino ... sorry about the delay in responding but things have been really hectic with my student activities - thesis marked and being tidied up for final submission in 3 weeks time.
About ciabatta, firstly, thanks for those kind comments. I must admit that I have battled a bit in the past with shaping and handling as the super wet dough has a strong tendency to go "flat". Quite understandably so given such a high hydration.
Last weekend I took the plunge and bough a baguette tray which makes the best ciabatta baguettes. These are perfect for serving to guests as they are the right thickness for both dipping in oil etc and also eating by the slice.
Previously I used baking paper and "built" the ciabattas on baking sheet, laid on a baking tray. Not as successful because during the rise loaves tend to flatten. Making some more this weekend for sure when I crank up my soup pot as it is starting to cool down.Last edited by heliman; 04-08-2010, 05:10 PM./ Rossco
Re: Ciabatta
Hi Dino!
I have done them conventionally (just flour) and VERY DELICATE HANDLING and with parchment. Parchment is a lot easier. You sort of form your puddle of dough (dough development and folding are critical to get any level of substance to the puddle!) (That is why making 100% focaccia was educational for it maintained some structure even at that level!)
Jason's recipe is really good. A key to it is the LONG mixing which does finally get the dough to a reasonable condition. Most wet doughs are not fully developed and that contributes to the handling problems. I guarantee you will learn something from making Jason's.
Good Luck!