Yesterday I finally got a fresh load of wood - beach, two years old, 100 CHF (which is about 100 USD at the moment
) for one cubic meter. This is a bit more than half what I payed last time, so I'm pretty chuffed!
To celebrate I fired up right away despite the raging storm (well, strong wind), and cooked/baked another loaf of no-knead bread, 12 pumkin bagels (my first ever bagels by the way - they were yummy!), maccaroni chease for the kiddies' dinner, meat pie for the grown ups' dinner and fruit pie with plums for desert. And a very small loaf of something thats going to be sourdough when it grows up.
It is just so cool having this oven!!

To celebrate I fired up right away despite the raging storm (well, strong wind), and cooked/baked another loaf of no-knead bread, 12 pumkin bagels (my first ever bagels by the way - they were yummy!), maccaroni chease for the kiddies' dinner, meat pie for the grown ups' dinner and fruit pie with plums for desert. And a very small loaf of something thats going to be sourdough when it grows up.
It is just so cool having this oven!!