I was working from home on Thursday so I got a low fire going in the morning and gradually built it up ready to cook that evening. I only got a small hair line crack in the render which I thought was pretty good considering the whole lot was applied in a day and it had only had 4 days to dry. We also put some wood chip over the ground as a temporary base until we can pave it. I keep the area in front of the oven damp and also keep a bucket of water on hand. I have actually found it good to keep the wooden handled tools I use in the oven soaking in the bucket.
Considering it is still a construction zone it tidied up ok.
As I said earlier, we had friends and family come from near and far (as far as Tasmania) for pizza over the Easter weekend. When the oven is warm from the previous day it takes under an hour to get back to cooking temps. We must have cooked a few dozen pizzas and only had a few duds. And things should get better with practice.
Everybody loved the pizza and really enjoyed sitting around the oven, eating, drinking and soaking up the ambience. The wine cellar took a bit of a hit but you can’t beat good wine with home wood fired pizza.
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