Great reading in there brickie
About to design my outer arch and build in a couple weeks so interested in this point.
So in this instance ...... I assume Steve will build a similar shaped arch to his inner one. Effectively the "straight" sides of his arch is where the force wants to push outwards .... But it is supported by the point where it sits inside or part of the dome effectively this is buttressed that way.
Once you build the outside arch you don't have this "side ways" support and need to do it somehow.
So if I'm on the right track here.....
If you have an outer arch that is a rounded style (eg. Not "straight side") the force (or weak point) is down the what will happen is the bottom course brick (one each side) will need support (buttressed) sideways of them.
.......or am I on a branch that will see brickies chainsaw come out......which you all get the fun of watching me plummet earthward......dont worry I will enjoy the view on the way down..

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