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New 36" Pompeii at Bundaberg
I still haven't figured this new version out. I have been a bit busy elsewhere and haven't been on the forum much, not that I am much more than an application user at the best of times. I'm not sure how to set defaults even.
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Originally posted by oasiscdm View Posthi steve
is there any way of getting our images in posts to display thumbnails like they used too. automatically preferably. don't like this new versio as it seems to provide less than previous version.
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hi steve
is there any way of getting our images in posts to display thumbnails like they used too. automatically preferably. don't like this new versio as it seems to provide less than previous version.
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Re: New 36" Pompeii at Bundaberg
Thank you kind sir. It is one of my projects that I am proud of and the most used as well.
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Re: New 36" Pompeii at Bundaberg
One of the nicest looking creations I've seen Steve, congratulations! :TwoThumbsUp:
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Re: New 36" Pompeii at Bundaberg
Hey Firey, I figure that there is no such thing as a stupid question and being a rank amateur starting out I really appreciated the help from forum members. Saved me from a couple of catastrophic failures.
I hope your re-build goes well for you.
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Re: New 36" Pompeii at Bundaberg
Hi Steve, I have been reading the forno bravo forums like you to research how to build my WFO oven properly. I built one, but wasn't brave enough to post any pics (which in hindsight wasn't so smart as the kiln bricks I used as the floor ended up warping and cracking the dome bad enough that I had to knock it down to the vermiculite layer and I am now contemplating the re-build). Threads like yours ask and get answers to a lot of the questions I would have when I start my second one. Thank you for the thread and thank you to the contributors who have answered a lot of your and as it will turn out, my questions.
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Re: New 36" Pompeii at Bundaberg
Hey Lancer - I was having a bit of cheap fun at the expense of our brothers who live in the far south, about 2000km south and pointing out that things are good here, so good that many of them migrate here for the winter to escape the cold.
The footie thing is that Victoria is the home of Australian Rules whereas Queensland claims Rugby League. In Queensland the Victorian footie is broadcast live whereas in Victoria they are delayed. When they are spending winter up here they get to watch it in real time which is a bit of a treat for them. It is just some regional banter. Victoria has some great things to see and experience as well.
I too spent some time in the military and my girls both served in the Regular Army. They did their recruit training in Puckapunyal and Bandiana in Victoria and I went down there for their marching out parades. It was winter and bloody cold too.
I agree, we all need to do our bit for our country and you don't get to chose where that happens. You do get to chose where you live though.
You are closer to Australia than America and you are most welcome. I look forward to your posts given that warm climates and blue water are two of my favourite things, closely followed by fishing, beer and pizza. Not particularly in that order.Last edited by Greenman; 05-21-2014, 07:57 PM.
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Re: New 36" Pompeii at Bundaberg
Originally posted by Greenman View PostWent and had a look around Pucka and Bandiana when my kids were being soldiers there and must say that ice lasts very well there in June, even with the lid off the esky and Pucka has plenty of kangaroos! I liked the Great Ocean Road too but I am not sure that I am ready to leave the generally moderate weather of Bundaberg to migrate south. There seems to be a fair annual migration to these sunny climes of number plates that bear the slogan 'Place to Be'. The bonus is that they get to watch the Saturday afternoon footie in real time on the TV.
I was a soldier when my country needed me. I did go to all the places my country sent me. I wouldn't by choice live in any of them, no matter the footie.
Maybe your country is different. :dunno:
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Re: New 36" Pompeii at Bundaberg
It does sound a bit smug but even with the mild winter and last summer being a bit tame the reverse cycle A/C's that I put in 2 years ago have clocked up a total winter/summer use of about 30 hours and there was a level of indulgence involved in that! We are a bit spoiled. I have lived all around Queensland but haven't lived in another state for any extended time but the south of SA was pleasant for a few months before summer arrived (in December!)
I lived on the Atherton Tablelands for 20 years and loved the high country even if you had to make an appointment to see the sun at times.
It has a bit to do with what suits personally but I like to live outside so this suits me. I wish I had this oven up there. But hey, if wishes were horses then beggars would ride... Life is good pretty much anywhere in this country... we are very lucky.
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Re: New 36" Pompeii at Bundaberg
Yes Steve I've lived in nearly every state in Aust at one time or other but I've finally settled in south east QLD. Yes we will all bitch about the heat in summer , but how could complain about a winter that's usually just cool and dry. I grow tomatoes in the coolest 9 months of the year not the hottest 3.
I don't close the windows in winter don't have an indoor heater ........
Regards Dave
Ps notice how all the basic services training is south. Point cook, Cerberus, not exactly tropical.....
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Re: New 36" Pompeii at Bundaberg
Went and had a look around Pucka and Bandiana when my kids were being soldiers there and must say that ice lasts very well there in June, even with the lid off the esky and Pucka has plenty of kangaroos! I liked the Great Ocean Road too but I am not sure that I am ready to leave the generally moderate weather of Bundaberg to migrate south. There seems to be a fair annual migration to these sunny climes of number plates that bear the slogan 'Place to Be'. The bonus is that they get to watch the Saturday afternoon footie in real time on the TV.
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Re: New 36" Pompeii at Bundaberg
We had autumn and winter rains here when it should have dry. Now we are dry but have had the first storm early. Predictions for the summer has us in Brissie having a few more storms as well the prediction is for 2 to 3 more cyclones form so were in for an interesting summer.
All the wood is dry and stowed , the WFO has its new entrance rain cover
( untested) so I'm ready
Regards dave
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Re: New 36" Pompeii at Bundaberg
Originally posted by brickie in oz View PostI dont know, you boys in Qld, raining one day dry the next.....
Come to gods own country.......
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