Today was the day to render the dome. Looking very different in its new sarcophagus. I decided on concrete and lime mortar and a finishing colour coat of Dulux acrylic mortar in a couple of weeks when this dries. I left a small area at the top to put the vent, probably tomorrow.
Also spent some time making a vent from some patterned aluminium I had about. Have attached a pic of what I ended up with. Not particularly original, inspired by headware in country SE Asia. It is 200mm (8") across the 'hat' and 100mm (4") high and I intend to secure it under the render coat after loosening the vermicrete immediately under it a bit. With the small gap between the barrel and the 'hat' the chance of water entering should be remote, particularly with the gap ending up about 75mm above the dome.
Any thoughts about the vent before I literally set it in concrete? Your opinions would be appreciated.
Cheers ............ Steve

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