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Bbq brick island

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  • Bbq brick island

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image_81006.jpg
Views:	760
Size:	155.3 KB
ID:	400251 Ready to cure for about 28 days then forms will come off.
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    Last edited by Indresano masonry; 08-02-2017, 01:18 PM. Reason: Want to post more when i can

  • #2 man is an island...
    My 32" homebrew cast oven by the sea


    • #3
      The photos don't show the fire box with air intake located on the floor of fire box. Grates will be installed flush with cement counter


      • #4
        let me know what you thing of design
        thanks . Steve


        • #5
          This was an original design that i had thought about for some time. having a bbq island has many benefits.
          The ability to have plenty of area to cook and to present meals for cook outs or just a place to conjure around a couple of burgers cooking. Not to mention the total length of counter is 20 feet .
          I will be posting the finishing photos. next up is the cement stain and sealer then custom cooking grate.
          I hope you all enjoyed my photos

          If you build it they will come.



          • #6
            Last edited by Indresano masonry; 08-12-2017, 10:54 PM.


            • #7
              Wow, that looks amazing. I might be seeing your advice on staining and polishing concrete if I end up going that route.
              Well done
              David in Calgary
              My Build Thread


              • #8


                • #9
                  Beautiful concrete finish! Did you use acid staining? Have you installed the grates and cooked on it? I'm looking forward to some pics of it in action .
                  Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build


                  • #10
                    I did use acid stain . Was awesome to work with. More pictures to follow in spring


                    • #11
                      That is a nice looking job. We ended up using a water based stain, which is wearing off after 3 years, as the acid stain process seemed intimidating. Maybe it is time to strip and give it a go. It looks like you wet your slab down before you took the pic - if yes, what does it look like dry?
                      My build thread


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by JRPizza View Post
                        That is a nice looking job. We ended up using a water based stain, which is wearing off after 3 years, as the acid stain process seemed intimidating. Maybe it is time to strip and give it a go. It looks like you wet your slab down before you took the pic - if yes, what does it look like dry?
                        I used acid stain, and it started wearing off after a few years as well. Weather just takes it off. The one part I have that stays dry is in pretty good shape. But the part that gets rained on, it is pretty much gone
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                        • #13
                          I used a pure tung oil. ( food grade) . As the oil penetrated the cement ,the finish was more of a matte finish

