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Suspended slab

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  • Suspended slab

    I'm at that time in the build and wondering how others got the concrete up to the suspended slab?

    Ramp and wheelbarrow, buckets, shovels, pumps, any other?????

    My plan is to just get a truck in to deliver concrete.

    I'm in a fairly confined space so a ramp although possible would be difficult. Shovels, seems like a lot of work and mainly a lot of potential mess. Pump, tooooooo expensive.

    Would love to here.


  • #2
    it took me two hours to make the concrete in the mixer (shoveling the gravel in)...about a 50 meter walk...then shovel it onto the condeck... slab was 2m x 2m x 12cm thick and I poured the arch at the same time....

    its not too hard and I push a keyboard all day for work...


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    • #3
      I mixed my main slab on the ground with a mixer and transported it with a wheelbarrow. Then for the support slab and my poored arch I hand mixed with a ho and wheelbarrow. Then filled the form with a shovel. Worked pretty good for me.



      • #4
        We did the bucket approach. There were three of us and a Harbor Freight 3.5 cubic foot mixer set up next to the site. Just dumped the mixed concrete into 5 gallon bucket and two guys hoisted and dumped into form (probably two buckets per batch). By the time they smoothed and raked the next batch was mixed. Went really fast and very little ended up on the ground
        My build thread


        • #5
          I'm usually a one man operation so I set things up in advance. For the slab on grade I set the mixer up to dump right into the form. It takes a sluice trough to do this. I made two of them out of scrap material. A longer one to reach the back of the form and a shorter one to dump near the front. For the elevated hearth slab I elevated the mixer and used the same sluice troughs. The hearth slab was poured with 80 lb bagged concrete. There is a little trick to doing it, but cutting the bags in half makes them a lot easier to load into the mixer.
          Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build


          • #6
            I hear you on the 80 lb bags - that is why I spent a few cents more and bought 60's. Concrete is tough enough work without killing yourself tossing around the big bags. Two 60's also seemed to be an amount my mixer worked well with.
            My build thread


            • #7
              Click image for larger version

Name:	F075E29C-B3F9-4A5B-BCD3-BAF6BF6B4298.png
Views:	482
Size:	701 Bytes
ID:	403065 I made an elevated platform to just dump the mixer into the form. Not pretty but good results.

