I have been cooking amazing pizza for a couple years now in a wood fired oven. But, we plan to move and will have to make a new oven. I’m excited because I can start from scratch. Wood is great, but my favorite pizza place in London has a gas oven and the pizza is amazing. So I’ve been thinking, maybe I should just do gas. Flick a switch and let it heat up. I would tap the gas line from my house, in Naperville Illinois. My question to you all out there, should I build a gas oven, or woodoven? Thank you all in advance.
Aside from gas vrs. wood, there are other variables to consider. Dough quality, ingredients, and experience may figure in with the London oven. Just sayin'.
Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build
The good news is that if you plumb it for gas you can then use gas, wood, or both as your fuel.
To me, it makes sense to have the gas jets on the side of the dome pointing upwards, so the flame rolls or runs up the dome wall towards the peak of the dome.
A possible negative I can see is that the floor brick in a gas-fired oven might be cooler than the floor in a wood-fired due to the lack of coals on the floor.
On the plus side, though, with the gas? You should be able to "set and forget" with regards to maintaining an even oven temperature.
As to "gas" being natural gas or propane? Propane has more BTUs per cubic foot than natural gas. I want to say roughly 2500 versus 1000? Obviously, you'll want to size your jets to the fuel you are using. If using propane, because it is more dense than air, it will settle and collect in low areas. I understand this is an outdoor build, but I'd design your build with that in mind. Sort of like keeping in mind the thought that on boats (also kept outdoors, lol) they often use a bilge blower on a boat to vent any fumes from the engine compartment before firing up a boat engine. Not saying you need to add a blower. Just saying, "know your fuel" and design accordingly.
Good luck!
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