Hi Everyone - what a great forum, thanks to everyone who has posted so far for all their help. I have read for many hours and now i have a plan. I will use this forum to document progress add photos and also ask questions. Thanks for reading!!
Firstly i am British so i will be using the Queens good English so if you don't understand what render is and prefer weird words like: stucco then i apologise.
So here is my site: a raised herb garden where the herbs don't grow so they will now cook! As you can see its next to my outdoor kitchen.

Yes it is low down and i will get a sore back bending into the oven
Yes the tree may get a bit upset
nothing i can do about either!
Here is my plan: - ish, well not really but it gives you an idea

Main points:
Tunnel shaped
Rendered finish over tunnel
Decorative arch to match bricks
My plan in more detail: as it stands today.
100mm (4") ish concrete slab
50mm (2") Ceramic Fibre Board
76mm (3") Fire Brick base
76mm (3") Fire Brick Walls
Pre-Cast Dome sections
Pre-Cast Dome Door sections
Stainless Steel Flu
50mm (2") Ceramic Fibre Blanket (i would like to double this if i can)
Some form of decorative arch in front - not sure how yet!
Questions i have now:
1) Can i double to 100mm blanket or will it compress too much for the render?
2) Is it right for the flu to be just behind the door?
3) Should the flu start at a lower point than the roof to keep steam in?
4) I have seen people insulate between the oven and the front arch and even before the flu? why? should I?
5) I have seen flus above the entrance arch, outside the door - why? should I?
6) Should I use fibre board on the side walls rather than blanket?
7) should i join the side wall insulation with the base and put whole oven in a bubble? or is the loss of heat through the side of the base bricks not worth worrying about?
8) do i need to add anything to concrete - does it really need more insulation under it? I could pour on domestic kingspan or cellutex under concrete?
9) what do you think about the precast arches? is it worth me making my own from brick rather than using these?
10) I have a crap load of engineering bricks - can i use these at all for the base or any other part?
11) I have standard domestic clay bricks which you can see in the photo - i want to make the front arch from these? will that be ok? linked to question 4 - should i insulate them from the oven?
12) am i mad?
13) no seriously is there anything above which jumps out as stupid? the shape for example? straight walls? tunnel?
added after original post:
14) should i install thermocouples? if so where?
Thanks for reading and hopefully replying.
Likely source for most materials: https://shop.vitcas.com/
I will try to source some parts else where but i thought helpful for others to see where i am starting as UK supplies are limited.
Board: https://shop.vitcas.com/ceramic-fibre-board-insulating-board.html
Bricks: https://shop.vitcas.com/vitcas-fire-...x114x76mm.html
Mortar: https://shop.vitcas.com/oc-outdoor-oven-cement.html
Dome Sections: https://shop.vitcas.com/wood-fired-o...on-vitcas.html
Door Section: https://shop.vitcas.com/wood-fired-o...on-vitcas.html
Door: https://shop.vitcas.com/pizza-bread-...meter-500.html
Flu: https://shop.vitcas.com/chimney-flue...nd-damper.html
Blanket: https://shop.vitcas.com/ceramic-fibr...et-1260-3.html
Render: https://shop.vitcas.com/hps-heatproof-screed.html
Firstly i am British so i will be using the Queens good English so if you don't understand what render is and prefer weird words like: stucco then i apologise.

So here is my site: a raised herb garden where the herbs don't grow so they will now cook! As you can see its next to my outdoor kitchen.
Yes it is low down and i will get a sore back bending into the oven
Yes the tree may get a bit upset
nothing i can do about either!
Here is my plan: - ish, well not really but it gives you an idea
Main points:
Tunnel shaped
Rendered finish over tunnel
Decorative arch to match bricks
My plan in more detail: as it stands today.
100mm (4") ish concrete slab
50mm (2") Ceramic Fibre Board
76mm (3") Fire Brick base
76mm (3") Fire Brick Walls
Pre-Cast Dome sections
Pre-Cast Dome Door sections
Stainless Steel Flu
50mm (2") Ceramic Fibre Blanket (i would like to double this if i can)
Some form of decorative arch in front - not sure how yet!
Questions i have now:
1) Can i double to 100mm blanket or will it compress too much for the render?
2) Is it right for the flu to be just behind the door?
3) Should the flu start at a lower point than the roof to keep steam in?
4) I have seen people insulate between the oven and the front arch and even before the flu? why? should I?
5) I have seen flus above the entrance arch, outside the door - why? should I?
6) Should I use fibre board on the side walls rather than blanket?
7) should i join the side wall insulation with the base and put whole oven in a bubble? or is the loss of heat through the side of the base bricks not worth worrying about?
8) do i need to add anything to concrete - does it really need more insulation under it? I could pour on domestic kingspan or cellutex under concrete?
9) what do you think about the precast arches? is it worth me making my own from brick rather than using these?
10) I have a crap load of engineering bricks - can i use these at all for the base or any other part?
11) I have standard domestic clay bricks which you can see in the photo - i want to make the front arch from these? will that be ok? linked to question 4 - should i insulate them from the oven?
12) am i mad?
13) no seriously is there anything above which jumps out as stupid? the shape for example? straight walls? tunnel?
added after original post:
14) should i install thermocouples? if so where?
Thanks for reading and hopefully replying.
Likely source for most materials: https://shop.vitcas.com/
I will try to source some parts else where but i thought helpful for others to see where i am starting as UK supplies are limited.
Board: https://shop.vitcas.com/ceramic-fibre-board-insulating-board.html
Bricks: https://shop.vitcas.com/vitcas-fire-...x114x76mm.html
Mortar: https://shop.vitcas.com/oc-outdoor-oven-cement.html
Dome Sections: https://shop.vitcas.com/wood-fired-o...on-vitcas.html
Door Section: https://shop.vitcas.com/wood-fired-o...on-vitcas.html
Door: https://shop.vitcas.com/pizza-bread-...meter-500.html
Flu: https://shop.vitcas.com/chimney-flue...nd-damper.html
Blanket: https://shop.vitcas.com/ceramic-fibr...et-1260-3.html
Render: https://shop.vitcas.com/hps-heatproof-screed.html