4. It is important to insulate both under and over the oven to prevent heat loss. As the flue gallery and outer arch are connected to the oven, they can act as a heat sink drawing heat out of the inner oven chamber. An expansion gap reduces heat flow by conduction as well as reducing pressure on the cooler outer oven parts thereby reducing propensity to cracking. Some builders do add an expansion joint/heat break, some don’t.
9. The outer arch can be either cast or laid with brick
11. Standard house bricks should be fine, as the outer arch doesn’t get really hot.
14. If you want, but they invariably fail eventually. Most folk don’t rely on them after using their oven lots. Their placement will give you different readings depending on where you place them. There are many ways to gauge the temperature without the use of thermocouples.
9. The outer arch can be either cast or laid with brick
11. Standard house bricks should be fine, as the outer arch doesn’t get really hot.
14. If you want, but they invariably fail eventually. Most folk don’t rely on them after using their oven lots. Their placement will give you different readings depending on where you place them. There are many ways to gauge the temperature without the use of thermocouples.