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Brick oven with two openings and flue, centered chimney

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  • Brick oven with two openings and flue, centered chimney

    Hi All,

    I haven't posted in a while, we moved recently and in the process of planning my third oven. This one will be different, two openings, one accessible from inside the house and the other outdoors from the deck.

    My thought is a squirrel tail design, with insulation between dome flu and dome, leading up to a centered chimney. Has anyone attempted a build like this? Any information or pictures would be appreciated, thank you!


  • #2
    Two openings? My advice is to put any such ideas aside as you're looking to add a level of complexity best avoided. If you do decide to go this route then I would suggest you will, at minimum, need an airtight door at each side so that you can have one door open and the other shut whenever you use the oven.
    My 42" build:
    My oven drawings: My oven drawings - Forno Bravo Forum: The Wood-Fired Oven Community


    • #3
      Yes, definitely would need doors. My first indoor oven had air tight wood stove doors and thinking the same configuration for this setup.Click image for larger version

Name:	BrickOven.jpg
Views:	300
Size:	280.2 KB
ID:	435091


      • #4
        Yes, that will most certainly work.

        Great setup in that photo.
        My 42" build:
        My oven drawings: My oven drawings - Forno Bravo Forum: The Wood-Fired Oven Community

