Re: Hearth Design Philosophy
Your Welcome, Kyle: Glad it's helpful.
BTW: welcome to the forum. Enjoy the planning stag. I found it as much fun as building. Don't hesitate to ask any questions as you're going thru the various posts.
Also, in looking at my floor plan of what I did and cooking with it, the only thing I would do different is that my oven landing between the 2 arches where I show a 15" dimension, I would have liked it 1-2" shorter. If it was 2" shorter, and with my tall and angled flu-box transition above it, it still would have drawn air/smoke really well and people with shorter arms could access more of the oven.
Also, as you can see by my drawing 4-1/2 by 5 concrete cmu (Concrete Masonry Unit, 16" block) could be smaller if you did an igloo type dome and not need extra few inches for framing the 'house' over it. I also like the ovens others build with the concrete base at an angle (45deg) for slightly smaller footprint.
So many great ideas on this forum. Too bad we usually can build only 1
Your Welcome, Kyle: Glad it's helpful.
BTW: welcome to the forum. Enjoy the planning stag. I found it as much fun as building. Don't hesitate to ask any questions as you're going thru the various posts.
Also, in looking at my floor plan of what I did and cooking with it, the only thing I would do different is that my oven landing between the 2 arches where I show a 15" dimension, I would have liked it 1-2" shorter. If it was 2" shorter, and with my tall and angled flu-box transition above it, it still would have drawn air/smoke really well and people with shorter arms could access more of the oven.
Also, as you can see by my drawing 4-1/2 by 5 concrete cmu (Concrete Masonry Unit, 16" block) could be smaller if you did an igloo type dome and not need extra few inches for framing the 'house' over it. I also like the ovens others build with the concrete base at an angle (45deg) for slightly smaller footprint.
So many great ideas on this forum. Too bad we usually can build only 1
