Primavera70 is being delivered in a couple of weeks. Concern about moving it up a driveway with a slight incline. Does anyone know what type of delivery truck delivers the oven? A straight job can back up driveway, willing to pay driver extra. Not sure if using a pallet jack will we be able to move along asphalt driveway. Any suggestions appreciated.
Why don't you ask Forno Bravo customer service.Russell
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Hi RichV,
Welcome to the forum, and congratulations on the Primavera 70. There are several ways to "skin a squirrell". A sheet of 1/2" plywood cut in to two 4'X4' pieces can be used to spread the weight out over a soft surface. Just "leap frog" from one to the other until you get it to the site. Your sales person at Forno Bravo could find out exactly what type truck will be making your delivery. Givem' a call.
Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build
I just received my Primavera 70 last week. I had to move from the drive way over lawns, landscaping, etc. I used a pallet jack and the OSB board that the oven came in as a path for the pallet jack. It went well, but let me tell you it is very, very heavy. Good luck!
My driver was very accommodating. Usually they are contract drivers, so your experience may vary. He backed up my driveway and dropped the oven there. The shipping company made an appointment to drop of between 12 and 4 PM. The driver had no idea of the appointment time. It was unloaded by 8:30 in the Good thing I took the whole day off! Assuming it is not a problem physically, I think they would back up the driveway. Just be nice and give them a tip...
Hey, and nice to have another new Primarvera 70 in NJ!
I fretted a lot about everything, but it went fine. I am sure it will for you too....
DaveLast edited by padlcnu; 04-30-2019, 05:24 AM.
Hi all,
I just ordered a Primavera 70 as well. I think I've figured out how to get it to my backyard thanks to all of your tips, but how about onto the countertop? I've seen suggestions here for using an engine hoist and ice blocks. FB recommends using 2x4s and 4-6 strong men. I seen a number of posts here saying that the oven is around 600 lbs, but customer service told me 1200. In either case, 4 men makes nervous. What did you do? Any tips? Thanks!