I have been working on a design for a wood fired oven for cooking bread and pizza for some time. Now I have some of my other projects out of the or on hold, it is time to dive in and get building. over the last few months we have built the ground slab , footings and oven support base and in the last could of weeks we have begun the actual oven build. I will post some progress pictures here as progress is made, but first I would love to have some discussion regarding the design.
Here is a quick view from my sketchup model

and here is the base, with the under hearth, Foamglas insulation layer.
The first few steps and lots more photos, I have written up in detail on my blog at FireAndFocaccia: My Plans for a wood fired, masonry barrel vault oven.
Would love to hear comments and suggestions.
Here is a quick view from my sketchup model

and here is the base, with the under hearth, Foamglas insulation layer.
The first few steps and lots more photos, I have written up in detail on my blog at FireAndFocaccia: My Plans for a wood fired, masonry barrel vault oven.
Would love to hear comments and suggestions.