Hey there fellow pizza aficionados. First and foremost i want to thank everyone here for the vast amounts of knowledge and inspiration. I don't even know how i got the bug to build a pizza oven, but i'm glad i did and i'm glad to have found this wonderful community.
So after lurking for some time i finally decided to cast my oven . It will be a 36" I.D . Although most would advice against using the yoga ball method i opted for that because i worked on it little by little (having small kids it's difficult to get much free time). I built a frame around the ball so that i would get 4 sections. That would not only help the problem with cracking but also make it a hell of a lot easier when it comes time to move it to its final spot.
Soon we will begin construction on our outoor kitchen.
To keep costs down and make it simpler i was thinking of placing the oven on top of the 3/4 inch granite slab we will be using for our countertops. I know everyone recomends a 4 inch reinforced concrete slab but i read somewhere that granite can support up to 1,000 lbs. I'm still not sure what course of action i will take so any advice is welcome.
For the yoga ball platform all i did was cut the hole out of the plywood and placed that ontop of my saw horses
( nothing fancy) i then cut out 2 pieces of plywood and locked them in a half lap joint to make the quadrants and act as thickness guides.
She came out a little thicker at the bottom
( its ok that's how i like em ) and she aint all that pretty but once i insulate and render you wont be able to tell. Now all i have left to cast is the flue gallery and decorative arch.
Still trying to figure how to attach a double walled flue pipe without the use of an anchor plate. I dont know if DavidS 3 tab method would work. Either that or a single wall to a double wall but just have to find the right pipes. Any way thanks for stopping by and im looking forward to finishing this project with all of you.
So after lurking for some time i finally decided to cast my oven . It will be a 36" I.D . Although most would advice against using the yoga ball method i opted for that because i worked on it little by little (having small kids it's difficult to get much free time). I built a frame around the ball so that i would get 4 sections. That would not only help the problem with cracking but also make it a hell of a lot easier when it comes time to move it to its final spot.
Soon we will begin construction on our outoor kitchen.
To keep costs down and make it simpler i was thinking of placing the oven on top of the 3/4 inch granite slab we will be using for our countertops. I know everyone recomends a 4 inch reinforced concrete slab but i read somewhere that granite can support up to 1,000 lbs. I'm still not sure what course of action i will take so any advice is welcome.
For the yoga ball platform all i did was cut the hole out of the plywood and placed that ontop of my saw horses
( nothing fancy) i then cut out 2 pieces of plywood and locked them in a half lap joint to make the quadrants and act as thickness guides.
She came out a little thicker at the bottom
( its ok that's how i like em ) and she aint all that pretty but once i insulate and render you wont be able to tell. Now all i have left to cast is the flue gallery and decorative arch.
Still trying to figure how to attach a double walled flue pipe without the use of an anchor plate. I dont know if DavidS 3 tab method would work. Either that or a single wall to a double wall but just have to find the right pipes. Any way thanks for stopping by and im looking forward to finishing this project with all of you.