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36 inch homebrew oven in SoCal

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  • #16
    Well looks like the cling wrap worked in keeping the 2 sections from bonding to each other. I was able to demould and seperate them pretty easy. Now its actually looking like it might work. Would it be better to fill the seams with perlcrete or a homebrew mortar?
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    • #17
      I was finally able to cast the underfloor insulation with 5:1 perlite/portland cement. Hopefully i can set it on its final resting place without it breaking. I feel like it could of used more cement since it seems quite fragile, but the ratio has been used by so many other builds so it should be alright.
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      • #18
        This is the right ratio for floor strength and insulation properties, any more portland reduce insulation value.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Vcrete K values.JPG
Views:	440
Size:	159.3 KB
ID:	452165
        Google Photo Album []


        • #19
          Originally posted by Warhorn6 View Post
          I feel like it could of used more cement since it seems quite fragile, but the ratio has been used by so many other builds so it should be alright.
          I thought the same, at first you think it's never going to hold up. but once dried it's deceivingly strong, I had to partly remove/chisel away the front corners for my enclosure walls, and was surprised how sturdy it was!

          My 70cm (28") build:

