Well I am starting my Thread with the Masters of Pizza Ovens that have completed ovens

I am a rookie and never built a oven but I am stepping in the mud....with my friend and Master Brick layer Serigo................

This is our First Outdoor Kitchen with a Modular Refractory Oven Installation


We have studied all of the greatest builders and came up with a few ideas of our own. I know we could do better but did not have enough money to fly all you great builders out to Bend, Oregon

We are going to try to make this structurely sound so it will not fall apart....I will explain some of my structurely items to all if asked

Here is my oven

29" floor
14" Dome Height
7.75" Door Height
18" Door Width

( I left some of my measurements at the warehouse, So I will fill them in and edit this post tomorrow)

We are using Fire brick
Mortar is 2 #30 silica sand 1 1/2 fire clay 1 portland cement 1 lime...Poor mans Mix

Floor is vermiculite 8 to 1

8" Chimney

We built it in a 42 by 50 inch frame made out of 3 x 3 inch angle iron with 3 in flat stock as supports under the oven.......