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new oven build photos at slice

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  • new oven build photos at slice

    Hi all:

    Over at slice, there's an article and a slide show of a new oven being built by Stefano Ferrara, a legendary oven builder imported from Naples by Donatella Arpaia, the restaurant owner. I've been lurking here for some time, and the pics of this build surprised me, due to the looseness of the process they're using. Many of the photos I see on this forum look like much tighter construction and higher skill level.

    I'm curious to hear your reactions.


  • #2
    Re: new oven build photos at slice

    I was thinking the same thing.

    Member WFOAMBA


    • #3
      Re: new oven build photos at slice

      I guess it's like framing a house. Aside from the design and engineering aspect, it doesn't have to look perfect, just structually sound as it will be covered up anyway. And with the sand form you can finish the dome in no time without having to wait for the course to set before proceeding.

      Last edited by fxpose; 05-17-2010, 12:56 PM.

      My 34" WFO build

      Weber 22-OTG / Ugly Drum Smoker / 34" WFO


      • #4
        Re: new oven build photos at slice

        The ovens you guys make don't come close to how low his dome is. That's why he uses the sand formation. All those gaps get filled with a special mortar mix they bring from over there. You guys make your ovens for multi uses, like roasting and grilling. These ovens are made just for pizza and thats pretty much it.


        • #5
          Re: new oven build photos at slice

          Wanna talk about tool safety? Yikes:

          Betcha nickel he's not wearing safety glasses or a respirator either.
          My geodesic oven project: part 1, part 2


          • #6
            Re: new oven build photos at slice


            you guys show really not be trashing on him....I promise you that he has built at aleast 10 times more ovens then you have evey none....and I would not put it past him that he has built atleast 100 ovens in his life

            about the saw yes it look unsafe BUT it is a carbided blade and it doesnt really hurt when it touches your skin.....

            So be nice to the master...I would never talk negitive about anyone of you guys


            • #7
              Re: new oven build photos at slice

              That is a diamond blade and it will cut your finger off before you know you have been hit.


              • #8
                Re: new oven build photos at slice

                Originally posted by 100million View Post
                about the saw yes it look unsafe BUT it is a carbided blade and it doesnt really hurt when it touches your skin.....
                Well, it sure looks like a segmented blade to me. Regardless, that's very dangerous operation. At least a leather glove would have been nice...

                I don't think any of us were rapping on the master....just commenting on his build technique which I'm sure is as good as it gets.


                My 34" WFO build

                Weber 22-OTG / Ugly Drum Smoker / 34" WFO


                • #9
                  Re: new oven build photos at slice

                  this is what i think this blade is

                  Husqvarna 159105 7" Segmental Diamond Blade FX-S 7" Diameter x

                  and this blade melts or burns your skin

                  It is not like a carbide/diamond blade that you use for wood

                  I have the EXACT tool he is using and I have hit my hand maybe a dozen times and never SLICED my hand or fingers...yes I melted my skin off and your it does bleed and DID I take it str8 to my hand on purpose???? NO

                  This guy is a master and just QUIT TRASH TALKING!!!!!

                  And if anyone of you think you can do better.....OPEN a shop and start your business and let see how many ovens you make in a life time......

                  BTW: What would you think if Stefano Ferrara read these post about him?????


                  • #10
                    Re: new oven build photos at slice

                    Regardless, that's very dangerous operation. At least a leather glove would have been nice.
                    The leather gloves are sitting in the background next to the poland spring bottle.
                    BTW: What would you think if Stefano Ferrara read these post about him?
                    I would hope he'd think we were concerned about the safety of his workers.
                    OPEN a shop and start your business and let see how many ovens you make in a life time.
                    One or two is enough for me, but I'm an amateur. If you do something for money, you are required to adhere to OSHA regulations. I do work with machines professionally, and I sure wouldn't want a picture like that coming out of MY workshop.
                    My geodesic oven project: part 1, part 2


                    • #11
                      Re: new oven build photos at slice

                      Don't make me post pictures of what a segmented diamond blade can do to your fingers or your leg or your skull.


                      • #12
                        Re: new oven build photos at slice

                        And as far as the build, I bet the joints are plenty tight on the face, which is the only place it matters. Plus he built it in what, 4 or 5 hours?

