It looks like the Soapstone and Firebrick weight is almost identical per volume. The thermal properties of Soapstone and Firebrick differ in two ways. First the Thermal Capacity of brick, not specifically firebrick, is about 85% of Soapstone. Secondly; Brick transfers heat slower than Soapstone, seemingly at 1/6 the speed. This higher transfer rate can be thought of like the R-Value rating of insulation. My guess is that what this means for the WFO and Pizza Stones is that the Soapstone will heat faster, cook pizza faster, even out temperatures within the oven faster and cool faster. I would guess that an oven with a Soapstone floor would benefit from more sub-floor insulation than a typical Firebrick floor oven.
Thermal Capacity
Brick 0.840 Cp J/(gK)
Soapstone 0.98
This information was found at; Wikipedia "Specific heat capacity of building materials" and "The characteristics of soapstone"
Thermal Conductivity
Brick between 0.98 and 1.13 W/m.K
SStone 6.4 W/mK
This information was found at; "Firebricks – heavy dense fire clay bricks" and "The characteristics of soapstone"
Material in kg/cu.m
Brick, fire clay 2403
Soapstone talc 2400
Thermal Capacity
Brick 0.840 Cp J/(gK)
Soapstone 0.98
This information was found at; Wikipedia "Specific heat capacity of building materials" and "The characteristics of soapstone"
Thermal Conductivity
Brick between 0.98 and 1.13 W/m.K
SStone 6.4 W/mK
This information was found at; "Firebricks – heavy dense fire clay bricks" and "The characteristics of soapstone"
Material in kg/cu.m
Brick, fire clay 2403
Soapstone talc 2400