picture attached is not my oven but has got me to thinking
During my first build I thought it would be good to stop heat from heading out into the landing area. Thought about this type of treatment shown in picture and even on the landing floor. My thinking is why waste heat out into this area. Did not want to do it as it was my first oven and wanted to keep things simple.
1-Is there any merit to this idea and has anyone done this with good results?
2-Also wondering if I use a medium duty fire brick for dome and oven arch maybe a light duty would be best for landing arch and landing floor coupled with the insulation? (as the light duty would reach soak earlier and rob less?)
3-Third question is, if insulation was used in this manner as shown in picture is it ok kind of exposed to flames, I am assuming I would kind of seal it in with a bit of high heat mortar but then that mortar is a conducter of heat as well? These are the kind of questions I had last time that made me think just keep it simple but I am asking for help this time and thanks in advance....wayne
During my first build I thought it would be good to stop heat from heading out into the landing area. Thought about this type of treatment shown in picture and even on the landing floor. My thinking is why waste heat out into this area. Did not want to do it as it was my first oven and wanted to keep things simple.
1-Is there any merit to this idea and has anyone done this with good results?
2-Also wondering if I use a medium duty fire brick for dome and oven arch maybe a light duty would be best for landing arch and landing floor coupled with the insulation? (as the light duty would reach soak earlier and rob less?)
3-Third question is, if insulation was used in this manner as shown in picture is it ok kind of exposed to flames, I am assuming I would kind of seal it in with a bit of high heat mortar but then that mortar is a conducter of heat as well? These are the kind of questions I had last time that made me think just keep it simple but I am asking for help this time and thanks in advance....wayne