So I've decided to build my dome on top of my floor - and I'm going to start laying the first course soon. The floor sits on top of a 50/50 mix of sand/fireclay - essentially floating.
When I build the dome - should I mortar the first course to the floor? If so, why? If not, why not?
My thoughts are - yes, mortar the dome to the floor. I don't think I'll ever need to remove any floor bricks that are that close to the walls of the oven - and my thought it to add some stability by mortaring where they meet.
Any thoughts / advice?
When I build the dome - should I mortar the first course to the floor? If so, why? If not, why not?
My thoughts are - yes, mortar the dome to the floor. I don't think I'll ever need to remove any floor bricks that are that close to the walls of the oven - and my thought it to add some stability by mortaring where they meet.
Any thoughts / advice?