This is a VERY open-ended question, but are there any best practices or tips you can give me about building this section of the oven? I literally spent an over an hour just staring at my oven today trying to figure what the heck I was going to do to make it work. I've looked at so many different pictures and everyone seems to have their own way of doing it.
My plan was to do something similar to Kebwi's and start with a half brick arch next to my inner arch, with a full brick on the outermost part of the arch (except for the top where it would be cut for the vent). I looked at his the most mainly because I have the same arch setup as his in that I don't have several vertical bricks before I curve in at the middle.
I'm using a 7"ID (9"OD) x 36" Duravent stainless steel chimney. I'm going to use an igloo enclosure and was hoping to have it look something like the attached picture. The other pics are my oven as of now. Any advice whatsoever will be helpful at this point. My feeling is that constructing it won't be the hardest part of the build, but the planning will be.
My plan was to do something similar to Kebwi's and start with a half brick arch next to my inner arch, with a full brick on the outermost part of the arch (except for the top where it would be cut for the vent). I looked at his the most mainly because I have the same arch setup as his in that I don't have several vertical bricks before I curve in at the middle.
I'm using a 7"ID (9"OD) x 36" Duravent stainless steel chimney. I'm going to use an igloo enclosure and was hoping to have it look something like the attached picture. The other pics are my oven as of now. Any advice whatsoever will be helpful at this point. My feeling is that constructing it won't be the hardest part of the build, but the planning will be.