I am moving into a new house and plan on building a 36" Pompei. I have been trolling FB site for years and last year I built a "temporary" barrel vault oven that worked but was awful at retaining heat due to all the gaps and minimum mortar used. What was great is that I was able to disassemble it in 25 minutes and move the bricks to the new house. What I need from the Forum today is some design advice. The house I am moving to has an outdoor BBQ/fireplace that I want to incorporate into the oven design. I was thinking to use it as the chimney for the oven. My question to you is: will convection still be efficient if I have air coming in the front AND exiting out the back, or will the hot air be lost through the chimney? If it is an acceptable installation option, where should I place the exhaust opening to the chimney, and any advice on how to join the pompei oven to the existing oven to be used as a chimney? Thank you for any advice.
_DSC3252 by erikschneider5, on Flickr[/IMG]

_DSC3252 by erikschneider5, on Flickr[/IMG]